Saturday, May 14, 2011

Water for Elephants (Drama)

‘Water for Elephants’, a film based on the novel by Sara Gruen, was much better than I was expecting. I realise this assessment probably isn’t very useful seeing as it’s totally relative. So ..... let me tell you what I wasn’t expecting and that might help you decide whether ‘Water for Elephants’ is worth seeing .

Firstly, I wasn’t expecting quite so much eye candy. I’d never understood what all the fuss was about when it came to Robert Pattinson. Perhaps that’s because I’ve only ever seen him looking all white and pastey and playing the same mopey character three times over in the twilight series. But RPatz (as he’s known to die-hard – and recently converted - fans) is brilliant as the leading man Jacob in ‘Water for Elephants’ who abandons his studies to join the travelling circus as it’s resident vet after a tragedy involving his parents and is brilliant. I’d read a few reviews prior to seeing the film that claimed ‘Water for Elephants’ is his best work yet and I’m inclined to agree. Did I mention he was easy on the eye?

Secondly, I wasn’t expecting to come out of this film wanting a yellow and purple pant suit so much! Reese Witherspoon plays RPatz’s leading lady, Marlena, and her wardrobe is amazing. From her skimpy, spangley circus leotards to her sexy but simple evening dresses, it made me want to go and buy up big on 1930’s fashion as soon as I got out of the cinema. Marlena is married to the very scary August, the circus owner played by Christoph Waltz, and is obviously supposed to be off limits so all hell breaks loose when a flame starts to flicker between Marlena and Jacob.

Furthermore, I really didn’t expect to feel nostalgic for a time when life was as simple as a circus being in town to totally captivate and mystify kids and adults alike. Nor did I expect to be so transported by some of the visually stimulating sets in ‘Water for Elephants’. On a number of occasions I could almost feel the sense of excitement that came with sitting on the front row bench under the yellow and red big top, pink fairy floss in hand. Sadly, I very much doubt my daughter, with all of the entertainment options she’ll have at her fingertips, will ever find a circus quite so captivating! I especially loved an early scene when RPatz discusses his employment terms with his new boss August as they run along the roof of the moving circus train, jumping carriages against a starry night sky.

Finally, I didn’t expect to come away thinking about how selfish love can be. As caught up as I was in the love story between Marlena and Jacob, it got me thinking about how many casualties there often are just so two people can be together. Obviously the casualties in this film are a little atypical but still a love affair often leaves much in its wake: ex’s who end up with their hearts broken, unsupportive friends fall be the wayside, disapproving family members become distanced.

Sometimes love has a lot to answer for!

‘Water for Elephants’ was a lot of things I wasn’t necessarily expecting but overall, it’s just a really nice, light, entertaining love story to get swept away with on a cold autumn afternoon. It’s also a nice reminder that we all need a little illusion in our lives from time to time. So go buy yourselves a ticket to the big top, treat yourself to some RPatz eye candy while you’re there, and don’t forget some Water for the Elephants.....

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